Why you can’t blast that stubborn leg fat

Let’s target those stubborn areas

At 3D Ultimate, we know all too well how stubborn areas of fat can drive you insane. This is why we work hard on our fat reduction treatments so that you can have some sanity when it comes to those areas. If you’ve always wanted a pair of long, lean legs … well, hey, you’re not the only one.

But unless you’ve been blessed by the leg gods with legs that go on for days, it’ll take some targeted effort to get your ideal below-the-waist physique — from targeting excess fat to building gorgeous, sculpted curves where you want ’em. Below, we’ve rounded up seven things you should know about why you can’t blast stubborn leg fat without fat reduction treatments we offer.

Spot reduction is non-existent without our bespoke treatments

Unfortunately, when it comes to blasting a specific area of your body fat, you can’t decide where your weight loss happens. Naturally, with our fat reduction treatments, we have all of the machinery in-house that targets the specific areas but why can’t you do it by yourself?

A vast amount of research has been devoted to exploring the concept of spot-specific fat loss in a specific area.

In an active study, participants exercised just one of their legs in an attempt to target where their fast loss would come from, performing a whopping one thousand leg presses per workout session over a period of twelve weeks. If slimming down an individual body part were possible, this kind of targeted exercise would certainly do the trick. But that study reached the same conclusion as all its predecessors. The body will shed fat in response to a caloric deficit, the kind achieved through diet and exercise, but it’s impossible to control where that fat will be shed.

In short, if you want slimmer legs, you may have to lose a significant amount of weight from other parts of your body before the fat stores in your hips, thighs, or calves get their turn.


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You may not be free of cellulite … yet.

Everyone has cellulite. Leg fat, particularly on your thighs, often takes the form of cellulite.

Cellulite is incredibly common in women, and reducing it is a frequently-cited desire among women trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, because cellulite results from the structure of your connective tissues and the thickness of your skin in addition to the sheer amount of fat you have overall, losing weight in your legs can make them smaller and shapelier but won’t necessarily change the surface appearance of the essential fat left behind, unless you use our fat reduction treatments. Cellulite can be difficult to remove but these revolutionary treatments will reduce the look and feel of cellulite fast and effectively, through freezing, shockwave and other brilliant services.


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How good is your diet?

Losing fat on your legs, or anywhere for that matter means eating at a deficit. We know that doesn’t sound fun at all.

Losing fat on your legs (or anywhere else) means eating at a deficit. When you consume fewer calories than you’re burning, your body will turn to its fat stores to make up the difference — and when you maintain that deficit consistently over the course of weeks or months, the reduction in your body’s fat stores translates to a visually slimmer physique. However, your low-calorie diet still needs to provide the building blocks your body needs to perform basic maintenance, particularly the essential amino acids you get by consuming protein.

If you’re not eating enough protein-rich foods like meats, fish, cheese, and beans, your body will cannibalize its own meat — as in, your muscles — to get the nutrients it needs. This sounds pretty complex, and with our professional aftercare services, you can get a tailored and bespoke package put together entirely focusing on keeping your body the way it should be.


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Diet and exercise may not be enough alone

We know what you’re thinking. Of course, we’re going to say that, but the truth is, science says it as well. Women, in particular, have around 10% of their total mass made up of essential fat.

Your body requires a certain amount of fat to keep functioning, and alas, that fat can be located in the place where you’d most like to lose it. So if you’ve been diligently dieting and exercising, and you’re seeing results everywhere but those stubborn areas on your legs and other parts of your body. You may not be able to lose that fat without also compromising your health but we don’t want that. At 3D Ultimate, you get fat reduction treatments that are bespoke and have no downtime at all. This really is a lunch-time treatment and we’ll even let you into a secret, the results are long-lasting – for as long as you want them to be. We don’t just give you your treatments and expect you to figure out the rest. From A to Z, we’ve got you covered.

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